"For the time will come when people will not tolerate sound doctrine but, in following their own desires and insatiable curiosity, will accumulate teachers and will stop listening to the truth and will be diverted to myths."
2 Tim:4:3
Vatican Exposes New Age
In the past thirty years, a false and alien spirituality has invaded our culture and found its way into our Christian Churches as well. It is called New Age spirituality and it has us looking inside ourselves to find a Higher Self or True Self to discover our divinity or “god” power. It borrows ideas from non-Christian religions such as Hinduism and Buddhism, and mixes them with occult practices, which includes the manipulation of energies. It holds the belief that god is an impersonal energy force.
Suggestions For Sharing New Age Information
In giving out information from Sword of Light & Truth Ministries, Inc. or other materials exposing the New Age, please consider the following suggestions: Present the material in a friendly, low-key way such as “ Read this. It is really interesting, and tell me what you think about it.” Ask them about it a few days later. If you get a negative reaction, that is a clue that the person had been exposed to or has been into some of the New Age ideas or practices.
Is Harry Harmless?
The Harry Potter Phenomena has spread very quickly all over the world with hundreds of millions of readers. It has been hailed as outstanding and imaginative story-telling, with the promotion of “good values,” even by well known Christian leaders. It was even reported by the media that it had “Vatican approval” which is not the case. (One priest at the Vatican had made some positive comments.)
The truth is that the series glorifies witchcraft, and blurs the distinction between right...
Oprah And The New Age
Oprah, the Queen of Talk Shows, is considered by many to be the world’s most influential woman; and her show reaches millions. Over the years, she has hosted representatives of the New Age thinking such as Wayne Dyer, Marianne Williamson, Barbara DeAngelis, LaVar Burton, Richard Carlson, Betty Eadie, and others. She has now become the #1 promoter of the New Age Movement. Those seduced into New Age thinking believe that we are all god, that we are all Christ, and that we have power within us to change our reality.
The Centering Prayer Movement
The Centering Prayer Movement, taught by Fr. Basil Pennington and Fr. Thomas Keating, is very popular with Catholics today. Many people think it is the same as Contemplative Prayer. However, after a three month study of CP and ten years of study of the New Age Movement, I have found that some of the teachings of CP introduce the reader to the major concepts and practices of the New Age Movement (NAM).
Should Christians Do Yoga
Yoga has been popular in the West for some time, and seems to be gaining in popularity. Hatha Yoga classes are being offered in dance studios, hospitals, and schools. Some schools offer a “yoga break”. It is also being taught in Catholic parishes. It appeals to Americans because it offers stretching exercises as well as mediations that calm the mind. Let’s take a closer look at yoga.
What is yoga? Webster’s Library Dictionary gives a clear definition of yoga.